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Publication Number: ER 37-2-10
Title: Financial Administration - Accounting and Reporting - Civil Works Activities
Proponent: CERM-FC
Publication Date: Original document was published 1 April 1969; since that time there have been 89 changes. Changes have been incorporated in the files listed below.
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Because of the size of this document no entire has been posted here. Chapters, as well as being listed separately below, have been grouped into two parts for downloading purposes.
Errata Sheet 1 - dated 11 February 2004
Change Notice - Notice of all changes dated 31 October 2000 (Change 89).
Change 89 - Includes all pages on which changes have been made. Changes have also been incorporated in files listed below.

Transmittal Letter
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - superseded
Chapter 2 - superseded
Table of Contents - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Accounts Payable Procedures
Table of Contents - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Accounts Receivable and Collection Procedures
Table of Contents - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Fund Accounting and Control Procedures
Table of Contents - Chapter 6
Chapter 6 - Cost Accounting, Forms and General Procedures
Chapter 7 - superseded
Table of Contents - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - Project Cost (Subsidiary Ledger) Accounts
Table of Contents - Chapter 9
Chapter 9 - Appointment, Responsibilities and Treasury Check Utilization Procedures and Disbursing Officers and Deputies
Chapter 10 - superseded
Chapter 11 - superseded
Chapter 12 - superseded
Table of Contents - Chapter 13
Chapter 13 - Revolving Fund Accounting for Warehousing Activities
Chapter 14 is left blank on purpose
Table of Contents - Chapter 15
Chapter 15 - Revolving Fund Asset Accounting
Table of Contents - Chapter 16
Chapter 16 - Revolving Fund Accounting for Shop and Facility Services
Table of Contents - Chapter 17
Chapter 17 - Other Revolving Fund Current and Accrued Assets and Liabilities and Proprietary Accounts
Table of Contents - Chapter 18
Chapter 18 - Revolving Fund Reports
Table of Contents - Chapter 19
Chapter 19 - Revolving Fund Concepts
Table of Contents - Chapter 20
Chapter 20 - Budgetary and Financial Reports on General, Special and Trust Fund Activities
Table of Contents - Chapter 21
Chapter 21 - Disbursement and Collection Reports
Table of Contents - Chapter 22
Chapter 22 - Revolving Fund Accounting for Departmental Overhead
Chapter 23 is left blank on purpose
Table of Contents - Chapter 24
Chapter 24 - Revolving Fund Accounting for General and Administrative Overhead
Chapter 25 - Rescinded
Chapter 26 - Rescinded
Table of Contents - Chapter 27
Chapter 27 - Revolving Fund Accounting for Military Construction Supervision and Administration
Chapters 28 and 29 have been left blank on purpose
Table of Contents - Chapter 30
Chapter 30 - Accounting for Cost Shared Projects
Table of Contents - Chapter 31
Chapter 31 - Accounting Treatment for Multiple-Purpose Projects
Chapter 32 - Financial Reporting for Multiple Purpose Projects Including Power